WPC Youth
Our youth mininstry follows the model in 2 Timothy 3:16-17—students being mentored for character, instructed in doctrine, and equipped for every good work so that they will engage in effective ministry.
The youth leaders are there to model, mentor, and equip young ministers in Christ-like character, sound doctrine, and effective methods to reach lost peers and make disciples of their own (Matthew 28:18-20).
The youth engage in a variety of activities intended to foster deeper connections to both their peers and their faith in Christ. Sunday School Classes and Weekly Bible Study along with monthly events and Summer Retreats/Mission Trips can be found on the youth calendar.
Weekly Bible Study
Wednesday nights, during the Wimberley school year, the youth come together for Bible study. Our members provide a delicious meal.
Sunday Afternoon Activities
Our youth gather to enjoy activities on Sunday afternoons throughout the year – we’d love to have you join us!
Church Engagement
Our youth attend Sunday worship service and actively participate in the life of our church. Our youth participate as liturgists, sound tech and ushers. One rising senior is chosen as youth elder and serves on our session.
Senior Focus
Graduating high school is a key point in a Christian’s life. For the first time they face the world with adult eyes and the world sees them as adults. This is the youth ministry’s last opportunity to ensure they are prepared.