Worship Ministry

The faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s service in the world.

Serve the Worship Ministry

“Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God. In worship, the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God’s service in the world.”

— Book of Order, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Worship at WPC, held in our beautiful sanctuary, is an inspirational hour for all. A spirited worship service is held at 11 a.m. every Sunday morning. Special services are offered during the Easter and Christmas seasons.

There are activity bags for children located at the back of the sanctuary. Ask an Usher if they are not easily located.


Commemorative flowers are scheduled for the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for most Sundays of the year. Our congregation members provide these flowers in honor of loved ones, special events or to the glory of God. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for more information.

Please note: we do not schedule flowers during Advent and only schedule Narthex arrangements for Palm Sunday and Easter. Also, some Sundays flower colors are dictated by the church calendar.



The communion team is responsible for preparing the communion elements for service on the first Sunday of each month and for special times such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve. The elements are distributed only by the Elders of the church, but volunteer are needed to prepare the elements on Sunday Morning, to set up each service, and clean up afterward. The schedule allows everyone to work when it is convenient for them.

Worship Music

WPC finds great joy in making and enjoying music together. Music at WPC is a blend of old and new, recognizing that we are all God’s people and music is as varied as the peoples of the world.

Although WPC counts among its members many talented musicians, training is not required for participation in the music program and all are eligible. All that is needed is the desire to make a joyful noise glorifying God!

**Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30, break and gather together again at 10:45; because of this choir members are not able to attend Sunday School. And, there is plenty of rehearsal times before new music is performed.

Worship Music


WPC recognizes that some persons, by gifts and training, may be called by God to particular acts of leadership in worship. Mindful of God’s calling, we encourage our members, non-members, our deacons, and our elders with such abilities to assist in leading worship as liturgists.  After a brief training from the pastor, our liturgists lead the people of God in the call to worship, the prayer for illumination, and the public reading of God’s Word. Ample time is giving for a liturgist to read over the readings before Sunday service.


The Usher Team is always looking for friendly, smiling faces to join this program. Ushering is easy, fun and spiritually rewarding. No experience required; we will train you on everything you need to know. You will be working with a team of people dedicated to helping people feel at home at WPC. Ushers serve on a team for a month, three or four times a year.

Audio/Visual Team

Audio/Visual Team

Volunteers are needed in our sound and video booth for Sunday morning worship and special worship services/events. Experience is a plus but not a requirement as you will be trained on what you need to know.


Creating a foundation of trust in God through the tangible experience of his love while in our care.

The WPC nursery provides care for infants and preschool children. We take very seriously the well being of all children placed in our care. There will always be a minimum of two adults in the nursery room. Care is provided by compensated workers who have undergone thorough vetting, including nationwide background checks, and multiple reference checks. We want you to rest assured that your children will be loved well and always accessible to you during their time with us.


If parents desire, four to eight year olds may exit the worship service for Children’s Church just prior to the sermon.

WPC Children's Church

WPC Children's Church

WPC believes it’s essential to empower families to grow deep roots in the faith together and with their church family. Our children’s ministry focuses on bringing the stories of our faith to life through Bible study, mission opportunities and inter-generational experiences.

Children begin their care at WPC in our nursery, staffed with qualified, trained attendants in a safe environment. As they grow, they progress through age-appropriate classes and groups. By fourth grade, students enter catechism class, where they learn the Children’s Catechism, a summary introduction to the doctrine and sacraments of the Church.