Like most Protestants, Presbyterians believe that God is the Creator of all that is, that Jesus Christ was the incarnation of God on earth, that the Holy Spirit is the presence of God in the world and in His believers, and that sin is forgiven by the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
We also believe:
- The Trinity: God exists in the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Revealer of God, and the Savior of humanity.
- The Bible is an inspired record of the revelation of God to all.
- Confession is voluntary, and made directly to God.
- Salvation: God grants the gift of grace, which enables us to gain the faith necessary for salvation.
- Sacraments: Baptism unites us with Jesus Christ and makes us members of God’s family, the church.
- We recognize any Christian baptism.
- Communion reminds us not only of Christ’s sacrifice, but also that our living Lord is among us where two or three are gathered. All Christians are welcome at the table.
- Acceptance: Presbyterians believe that no Christian church has exclusivity of the church government authorized by Christ.
- Education: Presbyterians put a high priority on continued reading, teaching and interpretation of the scriptures through worship, Bible study and Christian education.
Church Structure
Presbyterians differ from other Protestant denominations primarily in their church government.
We elect officers in the church who represent the congregation in church affairs for designated terms. America’s representative democracy was based on this model.
Our churches are part of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) based in Louisville, Kentucky, with over 11,000 churches and over 2.5 million members nationwide. WPC and other PCUSA churches in our region of Texas belong to Mission Presbytery, which, in turn, belongs to the Synod of the Sun (encompassing the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas), one of 16 synods in the U.S.
Statement of Faith
We are a PCUSA church, founded in 1991, that believes in a God of love and grace. In response to God’s love we offer our praise and thanksgiving by worshipping together in the power of the Spirit, and by sharing the Good News of Christ in proclamation, study and song.
We trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As disciples of Christ, we seek to follow Him into the world, reaching out to others in mission, striving to do justice, preserving God’s creation, caring for those in need, and nurturing children and youth to live faithful lives in today’s world.
We live by the power of the Holy Spirit. Baptized by water and the Spirit, and nurtured at Christ’s Table, we come together into community, celebrating our unity in Christ, supporting one another, praying with and for one another, and sharing in both the joys and sorrows of human life.
We live out our lives of faith within the Reformed Tradition of the Presbyterian Church, sharing in its government and mission, and inviting others to join in our ministry and mission.
With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or death can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Wimberley Presbyterian Church is a fellowship, committed to Jesus Christ, giving and receiving spiritual nurture, within the congregation and in the community, through worship, study, outreach, and ministry.
The Church Staff

Rev. Clint Regen
Senior Pastor

Tom Gabrielsen
Music Director

Penny Gabrielsen

Janice Herreth

Robert Miller