For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20
Volunteer with the Fellowship Ministry

Whether you or your family are checking out church for the first time, dipping your toes back in, or looking to expand your spiritual journey, we invite you to experience our family-friendly church.
The WPC Fellowship Ministry serves the church family by providing our congregation and visitors with an opportunity to gather as a church family so as to become better acquainted with each other. By so doing we learn of the needs, concerns, accomplishments, and praises as we get to know each other better. To accomplish this goal we offer a fellowship gathering after each Sunday service and pot luck dinners. The pot-luck dinners often follow a theme and have programs which often highlight local ministries. Church members with the desire to serve others will find true fulfillment in this ministry.
Our food supply for the events is furnished by the committee members as well as the congregation. Our prayers are that the congregation will actively participate in the gatherings and continue to help fill our tables with delicious offerings from their kitchen. Our committee is responsible for keeping the kitchen in tip top condition, fully stocked with supplies and the pantry full.
Check the WPC Calendar for up-to-date schedules.

For the Fellowship ministry to be successful we need the support of our congregation and volunteers to help as committee members. In addition, we need everyone: adults, teens, children, and visitors in our church to be willing to participate.
Ministry Activities:
- Receptions for recognition and other celebrations
- Pot-luck suppers
- Church Picnics
- Social Gatherings that encourage members and guests to meet and celebrate
- Provide beverages before and after worship
- Maintain the kitchen and supplies